הירח החדש של חודש תמוז התשע"ו נראה בישראל ביום שלישי (אור לל' סיון) בערב:
- רוי הופמן - מעלה אדומים - 19:43 עם משקפת 25*100. 20:03 צפייה בעין. מצורפת תמונה
- שמחה גרשון בורר - הצליח לצפות במשקפת בשעה 20:13 אך לא בעין.
- דני לוי - משקפת בשעה 20:01 עד 20:23 ללא ראייה בעין.
שימו לב שדני מדווח שהוא ראה את כוכב הלכת נוגה. נוגה אכן חוזר להיות כוכב ערב ואפשר לראותו מיד לאחר השקיעה באופק נקי לחלוטין. תוך כמה ימים ראייתו תהיה קלה בהרבה והוא ילווה אותנו כל חודשי הקיץ.
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new moon Roy Hoffman |
New moon of Tamuz 5776 seen from Israel
- Roy Hoffman - I saw the Moom from Mitspe Nevo, Ma'ale Adummim, Israel this evening (Tuesday 5th July 2016). I spotted it with binoculars (25 x 100mm) at 19:43 (UTC+03) then with the naked eye at 20:03 shortly before it disappeared over the mountains at 20:04. The picture was taken at 20:03. Temperature 26½°C, pressure 955 mbar, humidity 57%.
- Danny Levy - I saw the moon this evening from Har Nof, Jerusalem with binoculars at 20:01 and followed it until it faded at 20:23. Throughout this time I was unable to see it with the naked eye.I was surprised to pick up Venus in my binoculars, about a fist to the right of the moon and a little lower. I did not know that Venus is already visible in the evening sky so it was an unexpected and very pleasant surprise.
- Chodesh Tov Gadi,The new moon was sighted Tuesday evening in Lakewood, NJ. I, Avraham Ostreicher, was positioned in Lakewood in the open field/parking lot at Lexington Ave.. I was sent as a scout and spotter by my son, Rabbi Sheeya Hertz Ostreicher - who is the Rosh HaMachon Shviley Rokiah. He was delivering a lecture pertaining to the kiddush HaChodesh in Maseches Roh Hashonah, to a group of approximately 20 scholars and laymen. The skies were partially cloudy and he was concerned that he would not be able to give a live demonstration of what the first sighting looked like.At 8:39 PM (20:39) I spotted the moon through the clouds with a 7x50 Nikon binoculars. It was gigantic and gorgeous. It was as thin as a thread and arched as a perfect bow ready and drawn to deliver its arrow to the north. I immediately texted my son that the new moon was visible and he proceeded to the staging area with his entire group of lecture participants.When they arrived my son set up the telescope so that even those who were not experienced in finding the moon on the first day would be able to experience the thrill. My son was able to see the moon with the naked eye, but the rest of us need the lens to see it.As I mentioned the moon was thin as a thread and therefor I was unable to photograph it, although I did attempt. Even after magnifying the picture it was still not noticeable in the photo. All the participants of the lecture and many passersby, were very excited to have seen the moon at such thin size.Thank you again for providing the information and encouragement to once again successfully spot the moon on the first night of the chodesh.Veehee HaChodesh Hazeh sof vakeitz l'chol tzoroseynu, Techillah V'rosh L'pidyon nafsheynu, omen.Avraham Ostreicher
Notice Danny's observation of Venus. Venus is again an evening star but still hard to see as it is very close to the sun. In few days it will be much easier and Venus will become bright and visible.
Neriah Roeh from Kfar Matsliach, Isaac Sergani from Arad and Devorah Gordon from Jerusalem failed to see the Moon.
Observations outside of Israel
- Moisés Ruiz -I was able to see the New Moon with the naked eye today, Tuesday, July 5th at 21:07 CDT from Guadalajara, Jalisco. México (picture attached)
- Augustus Paul - Dominica - All the blessings that comes with each new moon day ... on this Tuesday evening 5th July 2016 that I've sighted the biblical fourth new moon at 18:55, fifteen minutes after sunset/18:40.
- Shelly and William Hauser from Indiana US at 20:14 (Binoculars) and 20:21 (Eye)
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Moisés Ruiz new moon |
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